New members of any age are always welcome, but we can only accept persons
under 16 years of age if accompanied by their parent.
Appalachian dancing is a good form of exercise to keep fit in a friendly environment.
Previous experience of Appalachian dance is not necessary.
Experience in other forms of dance is useful but not a requirement.
The style of dance is energetic and requires a degree of fitness to be effective.
New members are welcome at any time of the year.
Initially you will be taught the steps and easy dances, later progressing to more complicated
ones which we perform at events.
there are tap shoes available for loan to new starters.
Anyone interested should come along:
7.45pm on Wednesday nights to:
Theatre Dance Studios,
Halliwell Business Park,
Rossini Street,
Bolton BL1 8DL
Or contact 0781-601-1252 or 0778-097-7752 for more information.
©Leap To Your Feet Appalachian Dancers. Last updated 21/07/2024